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Creating a More Manageable Life

How we manage our space, reflects how we manage our life. One always mirrors the other. Have you ever heard someone say “A person should move every 3-5 years, so they don’t collect so much junk!” There could be some truth to that. Doing so would encourage you to explore all you are holding on to, caring for, and managing.

Recently, I moved my mother from her home of over 30 years into an independent living apartment. She had a lot to manage in a home larger than her current needs and it was starting to take its toll. Her moving process started a year ago with monthly visits assisting her in sorting what she would keep or let go of. Looking ahead, I was relieved knowing she would no longer have to mow the lawn, shovel, or clean extra rooms she was barely using. At one point her space was working for her, but no longer was that the case.

Another example of how something can become unmanageable is our camper. When we first got our camper, my family loved packing it up and taking it out on adventures. At some point, the work of packing and unpacking another space became more than I wanted to manage and no longer fun.

My point is this - perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, or bogged down. Consider what you are managing in your space. Is it realistic for you? Before you add to your home or purchase more, ask yourself if it’s realistic to manage. Sometimes the big house on the lake with 3 boats looks like a dream come true, but it might be more than you want to manage. Maybe we need to slow down some and ask ourselves "What am I willing to give up to add this to my plate?" Keep in mind, what is manageable at one stage in our life, may not be in another stage.

Overwhelmed with where to start? I can help. Contact me to discuss various services that fit your needs. No obligation FREE call available this week!

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